Get quick access to edit controls: Click the Show Markup Toolbar button at the top of the window.Adjust size: Choose Tools > Adjust Size, enter the desired dimensions, then click OK.

Adjust color: Choose Tools > Adjust Color, then drag a slider to make an adjustment.Rotate: Choose Tools > Rotate Left or Rotate Right.Crop: Drag to select the crop area, then choose Tools > Crop.You can move and resize it anywhere on the document. Choose your signature to add it to the document.Learn more about using iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch to sketch in or mark up documents. Click iPhone (or iPad or iPod touch), then sign your name on your device's screen when prompted.Your Mac will automatically scan the signature and show it in the Camera window. Click Camera, then sign your name on white paper and hold it up to the camera.After you sign your name, press any key on the keyboard. If you have a Force Touch trackpad, you can press harder on the trackpad to sign with a darker line. Click Trackpad, then use your trackpad to sign your name with your finger.Click Create Signature, then choose whether to use your trackpad, built-in camera, or iOS device to create a signature:.Click the Sign button in the markup toolbar, or choose Tools > Annotate > Signature.Photo Touch Up Software For Mac Windows 10 Add your signature Free Photo Touch Up Download