Warden of Orlais, by CaffeinePainter – Overhaul for Blackwall, especially hair, beard and face.Two Moons, by xStephyG – Thedas is supposed to have two moons, yet in the Hissing Wastes only one is visible, this fixes that.Optional Files includes the Eluvian Intro Skip. Yes We Know About Mythal, by sirsagrell – Fixes the Temple of Mythal dialogue that implies an Elf Inquisitor doesn’t know who Mythal is.Templar Banner Banned, by sapphim – Removes the Templar banner between the Inquisitor’s bedroom and the Great Hall.Inquisition Chair Fix, by Nightscrawl – So Josephine’s chair in Skyhold doesn’t look like ass.Modded Hair in DLC Fixes, by Dmitrias – So you can use your modded hair in DLC areas without crashing or disappearing.Fabric Fixes, by appleschnapple – Fixes some of the more hideous fabrics.DAI Community Patch, by Ehamloptiran – Fixes the bugs still left over by Bioware.

Cole’s Hat Crafting Fix, by iorveth1271 – Fixes issues regarding the craftable Cole hats.Bugs Be Gone, by Tyragon1991 – Various bug fixes, see link for complete details.Masterwork Halla Leather Bugfix, by Svarty – Changes the “+15 stamina” to “enter Stealth” to match the description.

A general list of the mods I use in Dragon Age: Inquisition and most of Sansa’s screenshots.